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Request Data Deletion


We understand and respect your decision to manage your personal data. In compliance with data protection laws and our commitment to your privacy, we offer a straightforward process for you to request the deletion of your data from our systems.

Your Privacy is Our Priority

At Transmate, we take your privacy seriously. We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is handled with the utmost care and in compliance with all relevant data protection regulations.

How to Request Data Deletion

To initiate the data deletion process, please fill out this form. Send this form to, from which our Data Protection Officer (DPO) will oversee the process.

What Happens Next?

Once we receive your request:

  • Confirmation of Request: We will promptly confirm receipt of your request.
  • Identity Verification: To protect your privacy, we may need to verify your identity. This step ensures that we are deleting the data of the requesting individual.
  • Data Deletion Process: Our team will process the deletion of your data from our systems. This will be done in accordance with legal requirements and our data retention policies.
  • Final Notification: You will receive a final notification confirming the completion of the data deletion process.

Timeframe for Deletion

Please note that the data deletion process can take up to 30 days. This period allows us to thoroughly complete the request while complying with all legal obligations.

We're Sorry to See You Go

We're genuinely sorry to see you leave. Your trust in our services has always been highly valued. If you have any feedback or if there`s anything we can do to improve your experience with us, please don`t hesitate to let us know.

Further Assistance

If you have any questions about the process or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at support page or via e-mail:

Thank you for being a part of the Transmate community. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the future.